(GPV stands for our Ghost Pepper Vinegar inspired by very first Haht Sahs fan: Neale Lewis.)
Ready to enhance your current Bloody Mary recipe???
- 4-5oz Tomato juice
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 tbs Horseradish (optional) pic doesn't have horseradish - but Trace LOVES the horseradish in this drink...up to you.
- 1 -2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
- Squeeze of Lime wedge
- 0.5 oz GPV (our Ghost Pepper Vinegar) - depending upon your taste buds and desired heat level, you may want more. Trace does 1 oz. You can always add more at the end after to take a taste.
Garnish with whatever you like:
Celery, Marinated String Beans in GPV, Marinated Cherry Tomatoes in GPV, Cooked and/or Candied Bacon Slices, Skewered Gherkin Pickles, Banana Peppers, anything savory that you like can go in here. Our Bloody Mary's are usually packed.
We always serve our GPV Bloody Mary with a BLT sandwich:
Recipe: Any bread: we like rye or brioche, garlic aoili, arugula or any lettuce tossed in GPV, nice slice of Beefsteak tomato to fill the borders of the bread and some delicious smoked bacon - enough to know there's alot of bacon on there in your bite.